Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Amazing Season

The women’s soccer had an amazing year and was recently named the national champions.

During the Falcons playoff run they lost their leading scorer and still found away to beat the next two teams on their way to a state championship.

The women showed tremendous heart and determination in the final game of the season especially state tournament MVP Corina Villegas.

Most of the game she was double and triple teamed and was still able to score three goals to lead to the Falcons to their victory over Santa Rosa.

The Falcons went undefeated this season and that was due in large part to Monique Ciseneros.

She had 36 goals that is a Cerritos College record but has sideline in the with a shoulder injury.

Last season, the Falcons won state and finished second in the national championship voting.

While most people talk about the basketball team or the football isn’t time to give soccer a chance especially when the soccer teams at Cerritos are some of the in country.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Wow! That was great video.